Study, knowledge, design, management, enhancement
Date: January 27, 2022

Correct supervision and enhancement of the environments used as places of worship is possible if one has historical and cultural knowledge, if these are expanded by specific studies and if they are subsequently preserved effectively.
This is why Belltron not only makes use of highly qualified technicians specialized in electronics, but also people with an historical-artistic and cultural background with several years of experience behind them. In fact, the environments in which we work are not only physical spaces, but are also cultural spaces that must follow objectives of sustainable development, social inclusion and maximum efficiency.
Today all of this is possible thanks to new technologies which, if well managed, are of great help to the parish priest, to the parishioner and also to the economy, urban ecology and society as a whole.
Each Belltron device focuses on the person in order to provide the best possible service through the use of environmentally friendly components, second-hand promotions and the enhancement of the territory.
It is the duty of the members of staff at Belltron to consciously safeguard the artistic, cultural and sound heritage of each territory through an active process that starts by acknowledging the beauty of this condition to then move on to programmed management and finally to value this as an asset of all and for all.
The challenge is to find the means, solutions and initiatives to constantly improve the interaction between parish priests and parishioners and to benefit of the cultural heritage as evidence of the history and identities of the communities.