Date: February 28, 2017

PASCHAL may not be a name familiar to all, but in the world of small parts for clocks and bells it is one of the most important in France.
The son of Bernard Paschal, the third generation of clock makers of the company since 1908, Quentin Paschal, about to graduate in engineering, came to Italy to do an internship in our company and to extend his knowledge of our products with regards in particular to the new Belltron clock gears. His experience has just ended and the outcome of the time spent with us has resulted in creating a positive collaboration between us allowing the exchange of new ideas to produce a constructive relationship.
"A great experience! During the last year of my studies in engineering at the Polytechnic of Lille, I had the opportunity to carry out an internship abroad. I decided to take the opportunity to deepen my knowledge in a field that has always fascinated me: horology, in particular architectural horology. After extensive research, Belltron kindly opened up its doors to welcome me. During the five weeks of my stay, I learnt things regarding how a company should be run and got an insight of the undoubted Italian humor...
I heard of the Belltron company thanks to my father who is the administrator of PASCHAL, a firm which is specialized in clocks and bells and uses the Belltron products to renovate the historic heritage in the northern region of France.
I am 22 years old and am full of ideas, I'm going to join the family business in the near future, with the ambition to develop a range of architectural clocks dedicated to interior spaces. Since everything is still in the conceptual phase, I had no particular expectations from my visit to Belltron, I came with the intent to introduce myself and enjoy the Italian sun, which, however, I never got to see.... But during my stay I had the chance to meet some lovely people. The people at the company have strong values and so even if I didn’t get the chance to see the sun I was grateful nevertheless! After these five weeks I sadly returned to France, but with great ideas for a future collaboration ... "
His presence in the company was very profitable especially from a personal point of view: an important result which will surely strengthen the ten-year relationship that Belltron has with the PASCHAL firm, as well as getting the new generations together to discuss and reach a secure and profitable future collaboration.