New sound system for the Basilica of San Benedetto del Tronto

Date: April 23, 2014

The large structure of the church Santa Maria della Marina presented considerable acoustic difficulties to be resolved in order to realize a suitable sound system and at the same time sustain music produced by musical instruments.

Although outdated, the Cathedral already had a functioning Belltron installation. Now, the new installation using the latest audio products made by Belltron along with the expertise of the company’s specialized  engineers have managed to achieve results that have satisfied the parish priest, Father Armando Guido Moriconi and his parishioners. Finally the word is clearly audible in every corner of the church.

The Cathedral is well known for the sacred music played during its celebrations. The choir and the remarkable organ inside the church  have a history and an important value for the entire community. The new Belltron audio system has appraised even more the liturgy which is sung everyday.

Being in possession of good equipment is not enough to achieve good results in particularly reverberant acoustic environments such as the churches, although it  is certainly is a good starting point. First of all it is necessary to examine the acoustics in the building and then select the equipment suitable for that particular type of reverb. To do this a skilled and experienced technician will be required with an affinity to acoustic dynamics.

Furthermore, it is important to decide the correct positioning of the speakers to be installed. Speakers and microphones placed in the right position can make all the difference to obtain a good result. Finally, it is the responsibility of the technician who installs the systems to carefully balance the equipment in order to obtain the best of their potential.  

Belltron began as a manufacturer, and only in some cases has carried out direct sales. Over the years it has used a variety of retailers, dealers and other sales people, to make up for the demands which have arrived from  all over  the world. Some of these are still at Belltron’s side, others have moved on.

The situation at the Cathedral shows how an installation made ten years ago by a dealer and not by an expert Belltron technician has devalued the quality of the products that the parish priest had purchased.
Today, the new sound system installed completely by an authorized technician has met the requirements and completely satisfied the church and Belltron.

Having good standard quality equipment made by Belltron does not always guarantee a perfect final result in an installation; a competent expert technician is necessary. Parish priests who are in possession of Belltron equipment which does not give optimal performances are welcome to contact the manufacturer to get the most out of the installation’s potential. Belltron is always ready to meet any demands made by its customers.

Installation made up of:

•    BPA 245 PRO 1000 Watt amplifier;
•    N. 14 CA 65/24 and N.  4CA 65/12 speakers;
•    N. 1 MB 60 FAL (altar) microphone, N. 4 MB 45 FAMC (pulpit) microphones , N. 2 MB11 (hand microphones);

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