Date: October 31, 2018

October 4/5/6, 2018, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
From the 4th to the 6th of October the biennial fair of Cluj-Napoca in Romania took place. Belltron was there, as at every edition of this event, to introduce new products and maintain a direct contact with the Romanian Church. Mihai Buculei, head of Prompt Audio, and Alessandro Libetti from Italy, attended the Belltron stand set up for the occasion.
The protagonist of this year was the Belltron-Streaming: a new project that has had great success at the event, as well as it did in Italy. A new device that joins the wide range of audio products specifically designed by Belltron to realize Audio System projects for churches and places of worship. Thanks to this device (BST-3000) it is possible to offer the parishioners who cannot attend the celebrations, the opportunity to listen to the Holy Mass, live or deferred. Without any subscription costs, neither for the parish priest nor for the parishioners.
For more info:
IMG - Crucea de Piatra Church, Oneşti Bacău. First Belltron-Streaming in Romania.